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Visioning Forms & Documents

The following forms have been created to help facilitate the gathering and disemination of information in our process, and will be activated and de-activatred at the appropriate times.

Guiding Principles -

We have been soliciting survey input from residents through the summer of 2021, have conducted several face-to-face visioning 'driveway gatherings', and have facilitated an online and face-to-face Strategic Visioning group session in the fall. This has resulted in the linked Guiding Principles and Topic Ideas for eventual 'polishing', prioritization, and presentation to the City. (Should you have any 'concerns' with any of these Principles, please use the "Guiding Principles Concerns Form" to let them be known.)

Topic Ideas

During the November online and face-to-face Visioning Sessions the following "ideas" were generated and grouped into the 'topic' areas (A-F) as outlined in the Guiding Principles document. These 'Topic Ideas' form the next step to the creation of more formal and prioritized 'Proposals' that will be forwarded to the City for consideration early in 2022.

Proposal Creation - Sign-Up Form

We'll start drafting ideas for proposals in groups at our Public Visioning events at on November 19 & 20, 2021, and follow-on as necessary. Either way, please sign up here if you'd like to assist!

Proposal (FINAL)

On 3rd May 2022, the Friends of Lily Lake presented their final report to a City Council Workshop. The report was entitled: STRATEGIC VISIONING

[Accepted by the City of Stillwater: 3 May 2022]

Presentation (FINAL)

The following is a video recording of the City Council Workshop presentation on 3rd May 2022.

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