posted Jun 18, 2013, 7:28 AM by Mike Lyner
On the surface, so to speak, Colby Lake is one of several pretty bodies of water clustered in the western part of Woodbury, the focal point of nearby housing developments, encircled by a well-kept trail popular with joggers, bicyclists and dog walkers. But serious problems have been lurking with the lake’s water quality for years, and a broad-based effort is aiming to get the lake back into proper environmental shape by the end of next year. The state Department of Natural Resources (DNR), South Washington Watershed District, the Washington Conservation District, the city and even homeowners near the lake are working in concert to achieve that goal. “Everyone is working on different aspects of this — it’s all about working together,” said Jim Levitt, a fisheries specialist with the DNR who supervises the agency’s Fishing in the Neighborhood (FiN) program. “It’s about leveraging those local connections to do more with the limited resources that we have.” View Full Article Here in the StarTribune