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Possible Brick Pond Improvements (immediately upstream of Lily Lake)

On Friday, 8/16/13, Del Peterson met with Mike Isensee (MSCWMO) and Shawn Saunders (City of Stillwater) to review the potential for an iron-enhanced sand filter between Brick Pond and Lily Lake.  They looked at the possibilities on both the east and west side of Greeley St.  After Labor Day Mike will further explore the options and come up with some potential solutions which will then be further reviewed.

Shawn also identified a treatment option on the east side of Feeley's Pond which the property owner (the new owner of the UFE building) had brought to Shawn's attention and we went to look at that situation.  It appears that there is an opportunity for treating the storm water runoff from the parking lot at the west side of the building and Mike was encouraged by other treatment opportunities around Feeley's Pond which would further treat the storm water upstream of Brick Pond.

Later Mike and Del went to the Junior High property and looked at potential treatment areas available there, as most of that property drains into Brick Pond.  Mike and Del will schedule a meeting with Denny Bloom (Stillwater Schools) in September to explore those options.

It is encouraging to see the cooperation and support of the City, the MSCWMO, and the property owners in addressing the storm water treatment and the improvement of the water quality in Lily Lake, and ultimately Lake McKusick and the St Croix River.

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